The Public Information Officer of U.S. Grand Lodge publishes an OTO FAQ (pdf) which answers common questions about Ordo Templi Orientis and Thelema.
Here are a a couple of FAQs about the site itself:
Why am I seeing weird marks in the middle of text?
This site makes use of Unicode character entities to display Greek and Hebrew text, and a few other special characters. For example, the word “Thelema” in Greek is Θελημα, and the letter Tzaddi in Hebrew is צ. If your browser failed to display either of those properly, you may need to install an upgrade or language support add-on. If this isn’t an option, some browsers will allow you to see an English translation of what was supposed to be displayed by hovering the mouse pointer over the word or letter in question. Try it on the examples above to see if this will work for you.
I don’t like something on the site, or something is missing that should be there. What should I do about it?
For simple typos, grammar errors, and the like, please send an email describing the problem to the webmaster ( Be sure to provide the URL of the page on which you found the problem.
If contact information for an office or body needs to be changed, there are two procedures. For U.S. local body public contact information changes (including new or changed website URLs) send an email describing the change to For all other contact changes, send an email to
If you dislike content on the site, or feel that something should be added to the site, please submit a description of the problem and your proposed solution to the webmaster address above. Criticisms which are not accompanied by a substantive proposed solution will receive less attention. Well-reasoned critiques accompanied by copy ready for inclusion on the site will receive prompter attention, more favorable consideration, and the unbounded gratitude of the webmaster.