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The U.S. Grand Lodge Thelema NOW! podcast features interviews with artists, writers, magicians, and others whose unique perspectives contribute to the modern flowering of Thelemic culture. New episodes are published roughly once a month. You can visit the Thelema NOW! site for a full catalog of past episodes.

Recent episodes

  • 7/10/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Frater Acher (2024)
    Frater Acher and Harper talk in this episode about the use of knives in his ritual work, documented in his new book entitled “Trutmezzer: A Blade of Two Ways,” published by Three Hands Press. The inte …
  • 6/7/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: David Shoemaker (2024)
    Thelema Now host Harper Feist talks with one of Thelema Now's favorite guests, author and psychologist Dr. David Shoemaker. David discusses his new book, The Way of the Will, and how he came to T …
  • 4/10/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guests: Peter Mark Adams & Christophe Poncet
    Thelema Now host Harper Feist, delves into the esoteric realms of tarot with authors Peter Mark Adams and Christophe Poncet. In this captivating episode, they explore the intriguing narratives behind …
  • 3/14/2024
    Thelema Now Dr. Justin Sledge
    In this episode of ThelemaNOW, Harper talks with one of the most effective educators in the current occultosphere, Dr. Justin Sledge. Dr. Sledge earned his undergraduate degree at Millsaps College the …
  • 2/23/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Andrew Phillip Smith
    This episode of Thelema, NOW! represents our first foray into the incredible world of Welsh magic. Andrew Phillip Smith gives Harper a lesson in language and history as they relate to magic in and nea …


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