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This website is the primary online source for information about U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis. There are numerous other websites operated by officers and governing bodies of U.S.G.L. which may also be of interest. These include:

The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius is operated by the Grand Master of U.S. Grand Lodge. It includes a blog, essays, and rituals. Those interested in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica will find a great deal of pertinent material, including an annotated version of the Gnostic Mass.

The U.S.G.L. Electoral College website has information about the body charged with governing the affairs of the Man of Earth Triad, including chartering local bodies and appointing masters of those bodies.

The Grand Treasurer General of U.S.G.L. provides information about dues, donations, and other financial matters related to the work of O.T.O. on the Treasury website. This is also where members can inquire about their dues status and update their contact information.

The Education Committee supports local bodies in providing quality classes and other educational opportunities to their members.

The Families Committee runs a Facebook page dedicated to providing advice, support, and networking to O.T.O. members and their families.

The Administration website provides a collection of resources useful to members and (especially) officers of U.S.G.L., including various policies, procedures, and reference materials.

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