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Zero Equals Two is a blog on magical news and culture sponsored by U.S. Grand Lodge, O.T.O. A diverse collective of contributors comb the worlds of magick, art, science, history, philosophy, and more every day for articles and events of interest to Thelemites and other modern free-thinkers and explorers, collecting them on this blog for your enjoyment.

Recent posts

  • 7/25/2024
    Sci-fi, Magick, Queer L.A. Exhibit opens August 22
    Sci-fi, Magick, Queer LA: Sexual Science and the Imagi-Nation is an exhibition curated by theONE Archives at the USC Libraries which will run run August 22 through November 23, 2024 at USC’s Fisher Mu …
  • 7/24/2024
    National Lottery Heritage Fund Giving £250,000 for the Restoration of Boleskine House
    Our beloved OHO, Hymenaeus Beta brought this story at about the Boleskine House Foundation having £250,000 committed to it by Scotland’s National Lottery Heritage Fund to put towards restoring …
  • 7/24/2024
    Handbook For Our Future Parents
    Handbook For Our Future Parents: Raising The Magickal Child is a newly published book by Oberon Zell. The posted description says: ‘Many of us older folk were Changeling children, born into families t …
  • 7/19/2024
    Talismanic Skins
    The latest release in UK occult publishing house Hadean Press’ Guides to the Underworld series is Talismanic Skin: A comparative of ritual tattoos focusing on female practices by Rosa Laguna. The post …
  • 7/18/2024
    Araxes Press has published a limited hardcover edition of rater Ashen Chassan’s GATEWAYS THROUGH STONE AND CIRCLE in honor of the 10th anniversary of the title’s original publication. The posted descr …


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