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Dues & Fees

10 of Disks1O.T.O. operates primarily on dues and fees collected from the membership. Initiation fees are used to defer the costs of the initiation itself. Payments are made as follows:

  • Initiate dues renewals are sent to the appropriate Grand Lodge (or to International Headquarters, for members outside the jurisdiction of a Grand Lodge).
  • All other payments are made to the Local Body, prior to the initiation ceremony.

In the jurisdiction of U. S. Grand Lodge, the current schedule of dues and fees for the initial series of degrees is:


Degree Annual
$42 $42 $84
$42 $42 $84
II° $84 $42 $126
III° $126 $84 $210
IV° $168 $120 $288
P∴I∴ no increase $36 $36

See the Treasury website for the full schedule of dues and fees.

In addition to the above dues and fees, individual local bodies may charge their own dues or initiation fees, to help cover their own operating costs.

Dues are payable upon applying for a new initiation, or after one year, whichever comes first. Fees are payable upon applying for a new initiation.

Members (and non-members) are welcome to make additional contributions. Contributions may be applied toward an income tax deduction, subject to any limitations and restrictions set forth in current State and U.S.A. Federal income tax laws. Dues may or may not be tax deductible, depending on local state law. The Treasury website has more information on this topic.

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