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The U.S. Grand Lodge Thelema NOW! podcast features interviews with artists, writers, magicians, and others whose unique perspectives contribute to the modern flowering of Thelemic culture. New episodes are published roughly once a month. You can visit the Thelema NOW! site for a full catalog of past episodes.

Recent episodes

  • 1/27/2025
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Barry William Hale (2025)
    Thelema Now's Harper Feist talks with Barry William Hale about his latest work, Arcana Arcanorum by Robert C. Stein. The book is a comprehensive exploration of Aleister Crowley's holy book, …
  • 12/10/2024
    Thelema Now Jack Grayle
    In this Thelema NOW episode, Harper interviews Jack Grayle, well-known author of the Hekataeon, on the occasion of the release of his new book, Sigrun and the Mist. This book houses the script for a p …
  • 9/13/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Sef Salem
    Sef Salem is an occultist and sorcerer with over twenty years’ experience of personal and group magical practice. Initially trained as a Gnostic Mystic, he joined Ordo Templi Orientis in 2010 and foun …
  • 8/23/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Frater U∴D∴
    Thelema Now's Harper Feist speaks with Frater U∴D∴! Frater U∴D∴ is the co-founder of both the Bonn Workshop for Experimental Magic and the Magical Pact of the Illuminati of Thanateros (IOT). He i …
  • 7/10/2024
    Thelema NOW! Guest: Frater Acher (2024)
    Frater Acher and Harper talk in this episode about the use of knives in his ritual work, documented in his new book entitled “Trutmezzer: A Blade of Two Ways,” published by Three Hands Press. The inte …


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