Zero Equals Two is a blog on magical news and culture sponsored by U.S. Grand Lodge, O.T.O. A diverse collective of contributors comb the worlds of magick, art, science, history, philosophy, and more every day for articles and events of interest to Thelemites and other modern free-thinkers and explorers, collecting them on this blog for your enjoyment.
Recent posts
- 3/20/2025
Greeting From the Grandmaster Sabazius on the Occasion of the March Equinox 2025 EV
Greetings of the March (northward) equinox, which is the time that the Earth’s tilted axis is perpendicular to the rays of the Sun. Tomorrow at 9:01 UTC, the Sun crosses the projection of the earth’ … - 3/18/2025
Maryland Legislature Seeks to Have Convicted Witches Exonerated just ran a feature about a Maryland state legislator looking to have a number of people convicted of witchcraft centuries ago exonerated. An excerpt of the story read: Ms. Dyer is one of sev … - 3/17/2025
New Cartomancy Deck Relating to Lenormand and Sibillia traditions
UK occult publisher Hadean Press has announced the release of a new oracle deck. Their posted description says: Using as inspiration José Leitão’s work on the Iberian tradition of Saint Cyprian, artis … - 3/14/2025
Revival of Ancient Practice of Wassailing
Last month, the New York Times ran a story about the recent revival of the ancient tradition of Wassailing. The story begins: A jet of steam rises with a hiss as a red hot poker plunges into a bowl of … - 3/13/2025
O.T.O. USA Adds New Playlists to it’s Spotify Account
The O.T.O. USA has added some more playlists recent.: one collects recordings made of the Master Therion during his lifestime, the other three are anthologies of sacred music recorded in Cuba circa 19 …
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