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Physical Library

U.S.G.L. maintains a physical library containing books, papers, and other materials of historical or technical interest. We have recently secured a dedicated space in Tacoma, Washington to house this library and other archive materials.

We will be equipping this facility and relocating the books from their current locations over the next few months. Once it has been stocked, members of O.T.O. in good standing of KRE and higher may visit it by appointment with the librarian ( Members not yet KRE will require special permission from the Grand Master to visit, write to the GSG ( with requests.

While the precise location of the library facility will not be announced publicly, we have established a P.O. Box for library-related shipments:

Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A.
P.O. Box 102
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043

The library catalog is available here. A lending policy is in development and will be announced once the setup of the physical location is complete.

Digital Library

U.S.G.L. also offers a digital library containing documents of interest to O.T.O. members, Thelemites, and scholars of the Western esoteric tradition. Additionally, our Grand Master maintains a site called The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius which includes many of his essays, speeches, commentaries, and other useful material.

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