Amended Vision and Values Statements

Last September, we made an announcement about the commencement of a new Strategic Planning cycle. To help lay the conceptual foundation for the new planning cycle, the Executive has voted to amend U.S.G.L.’s Vision and Values Statements to formally incorporate principles voiced in last August’s “Statement from the Supreme Grand Council.” The amendments are as follows:

• Paragraph 6 has been added to the Vision Statement:

6. We will manifest a culture that is comfortable with myriad expressions of the Self and rejects fear; attracting and retaining a diverse membership at every level and welcoming the participation of Thelemites of all sexes, genders, orientations, “races,” ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds.

• Paragraph 6 has been added to the Values Statement:

6. We believe that a membership free from unfair discrimination is essential to accomplishing our Mission, and reject doctrines that promote bigotry, prejudice, and intolerance.

The full statements can be viewed on our Mission and Planning Page.

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Cannabis Policy

U.S. Grand Lodge fully supports the legalization of Cannabis for use by adults throughout the United States for any purpose they choose, and is encouraged by the increasing number of states removing state prohibitions on Cannabis sales and use. However, the U.S. Justice Department under Attorney General Sessions is reversing a past policy directive against enforcement of federal Cannabis prohibitions in states where Cannabis is legal. Therefore, Cannabis must still be considered an illegal substance throughout the United States, subject to enforcement by federal officials, even in states where it is legal according to state law. Consequently, despite recent changes in state laws pertaining to Cannabis, there will be NO CHANGE in U.S. O.T.O.’s prohibition of Cannabis at official events and venues, as described in detail in the COLMH. This policy will be re-evaluated if and when federal restrictions on Cannabis are formally lifted, or the Justice Department’s non-interference directive is reinstated.

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Order of the Lion and Order of the Eagle

The materials for the Order of the Lion and Order of the Eagle have been transferred from the Invisible Basilica to the U.S. Grand Lodge public website.  They can be found here:

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Congratulations to MUOPS on their appointment by the Electoral College as Revolutionary.

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Application Forms for Non-Initiate E.G.C. Baptism and Confirmation

Baptism and Confirmation in E.G.C. have long been available to those who have not (yet) taken Minerval initiation. Effective immediately, candidates for non-initiate E.G.C. baptism and/or confirmation must complete and submit an application form/questionnaire prior to scheduling of the ceremony. These forms are available from either the E.G.C. Secretary, the Grand Secretary General, or the Document Control Officer. Approval is tacit unless the candidate has been convicted of a felony. For further information, local body officers and E.G.C. clergy may contact the E.G.C. Secretary or the Grand Secretary General.

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New Strategic Planning Cycle

In 2005-2006 e.v., the National Grand Master General formed a Strategic Planning Group for the purpose of outlining the vision and goals of our Order in the United States. These Brothers and Sisters undertook the complex task of setting goals Order-wide. Some of the results of this effort can be found in the “Mission & Planning” section here on the USGL website. Many of these goals of the original strategic plan have been accomplished, but some remain aspirational. We thank the members of the group for their service.

In this new strategic planning cycle, we face challenges that call for a more streamlined and “agile” process than the deliberative process used previously. To that end, we are pleased to announce that on August 22nd, 2017 e.v., the Executive established the office of the USGL Strategic Planning Secretary, and appointed Sr. Melissa Holm to that office for a renewable term of five years.

The Strategic Planning Secretary will act as a consultant and facilitator to the governing bodies and leaders of USGL in the formulation of strategic plans in their areas of focus, ensuring that these plans are in alignment with USGL stated goals and priorities, and tracking incremental project progress toward the fulfillment of these goals.

Sr. Melissa’s plan is to implement the planning process over time, in quarterly increments–contacting USGL officers each in their turn to initiate the goal setting process. The first steps are already underway. The membership will be able to follow along with the progress of the strategic planning process via regular reports here and in Agapé.

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Leagues and Collectives

In keeping with a tentative announcement made by the National Grand Master General in his NOTOCON X address about “National Guilds,” the Executive has now established a program of member interest groups to be supervised and managed by the Supreme Grand Council, effective immediately. Membership in these groups is limited to O.T.O. initiate members in good standing. These groups will be divided into two classes as follows:

1. “Leagues” are trade, craft, or professional groups within U.S.G.L. corresponding to Guilds as defined in the Blue Equinox; but operating with the approval of, and responsible to, the Supreme Grand Council of U.S.G.L. Applications for League status require the signatures of at least five initiate members in good standing who are currently resident within the geographical jurisdiction of U.S.G.L.; must include draft Bylaws and Standing Rules; and are to be submitted to the GSG for approval by the Supreme Grand Council. Leagues are expected to report their membership and activities annually to the GSG in February for the previous calendar year. Any League can be closed at any time and for any reason by the Executive.

2. “Collectives” are informal special interest groups operating with the approval of, and responsible to, the Supreme Grand Council. Collectives operate under guidelines issued by the Executive. Collectives may be formed for study, discussion, and practice of a variety of topics and disciplines of interest to OTO members; such as art, music, history, philosophy, poetry, alchemy, astrology, tarot, various systems of divination and ceremonial magick, etc. Applications for Collective status require the signatures of at least seven initiate members in good standing who are currently resident within the geographical jurisdiction of U.S.G.L., and are to be submitted to the GSG for approval by the Supreme Grand Council. Bylaws and standing rules are optional for Collectives, but if developed, they must be submitted to the GSG for approval by the Supreme Grand Council. Collectives are expected to report their membership and activities annually to the GSG in February for the previous calendar year. Any Collective can be closed at any time and for any reason by the Executive.


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Statement from the Supreme Grand Council

It is no secret that Aleister Crowley’s writings include a number of statements that are demeaning to women and to specific racial or ethnic groups. We make no attempt here to justify or explain away those statements. They are what they are, and they are now part of our history as an organization. However, at this time, we find that ideas of the inherent superiority of one sex over the other, or of the inherent superiority or inferiority of specific “races” or ethnicities of humanity, relative to each other, are not supported by the best science, and are contrary to our stated goals of promulgating the Law of Thelema and realizing the age-old vision of the Universal Brotherhood of Man, which includes all Humankind. Therefore, the U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis hereby formally and unequivocally rejects all such ideas. O.T.O. draws strength from diversity; we welcome the participation and friendship of Thelemites of all sexes, genders, “races,” and ethnic groups, and from all cultures; and we are committed to opposing their unfair treatment, within and without the Order. We further remain committed to opposing ideas and doctrines–whether religious, political, philosophical, or pseudo-scientific–that tend toward the enslavement of the human spirit, which indwells “every man, every woman, and every intermediately-sexed individual.”

Adopted unanimously, An. Viii Sol in Leo, Luna in Leo; 20 August, 2017 e.v.

Formally ratified and endorsed by the Executive and National Grand Master General, same date.

Unanimously endorsed by the Electoral College, 22 August, 2017 e.v.

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NOTOCON XI keynote address

The Grand Master Sabazius has published his keynote address from NOTOCON XI. All eleven of his NOTOCON keynote addresses are available here.

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Policy Statement about Establishment of Good Report

While the attestation of two sponsors of the requisite degree in good standing is normally considered sufficient to establish the good report of a candidate, the Executive may rule, on a case-by-case basis, that a candidate’s good report has not been established by the attestation of the sponsors. In such a case, the Executive may either reject the application or return it to the local body for reconsideration, with or without a time delay. In addition, the Executive may, at its own discretion, disqualify one or more of the original sponsors from serving again as the sponsor for the same candidate.

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