Gnostic Mass video project

Anahata Chapter of the O.T.O. Rose Croix, with the sanction of the United States Grand Lodge, O.T.O., is proud to sponsor the making of a professionally produced, high quality video of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass.

The Chapter is currently raising money using Indiegogo, and would appreciate any support!

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Site search advisory

The search feature on the USGL public website is powered by Google, meaning that we rely on their indexing of our site to provide search results. Currently, Google is still using the index from the old website, resulting in mismatches between search results and the new page locations. I have created redirects for the more heavily used pages, and requested an accelerated re-indexing of our site so that search will provide accurate information. I do not know how long that will take. In the mean time, sorry for the inconvenience.

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USGL website upgraded

I am very happy to announce that a major upgrade of the U.S. Grand Lodge website is complete. I think you’ll find that the new site is both easier to navigate and more attractive; the latter is thanks in large part to the efforts of Shawn Richburg, Master of Bubastis Oasis and graphics wizard extraordinaire.

This upgrade involved more wide-ranging changes, including moving to a new hosting service and rearranging content between the parts of the U.S.G.L. website family. In any change of this complexity, it is inevitable that there will be problems. If you spot one — something misspelled, omitted or redundant information, broken links, or the like — please let me know at

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Man of Earth Delegate selection

As described in Liber CXCIV, four delegates from the Man of Earth Triad serve the Supreme and Holy King and provide him with input on the views of the membership at large. The selection process for two new delegates will begin in June 2013. See this page for details, including instructions on how to apply for these positions.

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Summer 2012 issue of Agape available online

The Summer 2012 issue of Agapé (volume 13 number 2) is now available onlineAgapé is the official newsletter of U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis.

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Spring 2012 issue of Agape available online

The Spring 2012 issue of Agapé (volume 13 number 1) is now available online. Agapé is the official newsletter of U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis.

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2011 annual report

The U.S. Grand Lodge annual report for Anno IVxix (fiscal year 2011) has been published. All past annual reports are available here.

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Winter 2011 issue of Agape online

The Winter 2011 issue of Agapé (volume 12 number 4) is now available online.

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Agape 12.3 available online

Issue 12.3 of Agapé (Fall 2011) is now available on the Agapé page. That page has recently been redesigned to provide much more information about the contents of all issues of Agapé.

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Two issues of Agape online

The spring and summer 2011 issues of Agape, the official journal of USGL, are now available online.

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